Thursday, May 22, 2008

An American directs a Puertorrican who plays an Argentine

A este crítico no le gustó mucho la película de Soderberg sobre el Ché.

"Soderbergh used all natural light, too. There are virtually no close-ups. This all means that faces are largely obscured or shrouded in darkness. The actors get no individual time, and they are largely indistinguishable from each other since they all wear drab green-gray and grew big beards for the occasion. If Castro didn’t hold a stogie between his fingers you wouldn’t be sure it was him.
In addition to the production problem, the script doesn’t do anyone any favors. Che, himself, is so poorly drawn it’s unclear what exactly makes him so charismatic. He has no story line; he just "is," take it or leave it. He marries, has children, leaves them to live like a scavenger in the woods and attempts to overthrow countries.
Whatever impact this had on his life, loves, relationships — none of it is explored. Del Toro fights to make Che memorable against enormous odds. (But when he loses quite a bit of weight, he resembles Brad Pitt. Weird.)
That’s not all: In all those hours, no subplots develop among the other characters. Not one of them is particularly drawn out or filled in. At many points in the action — many shootouts, skirmishes, etc. — you can’t figure out who’s who, whom they’re fighting or why they’re against each other. No sympathies are built for any of the characters. It’s literally a film in which there is no one to root for. At this enormous length, that’s not good."

El resto de la crítica, la puede encontrar aquí:

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