Hoy estuve de visita en la única "winery' que tenemos en el sur de la Florida. Por supuesto, los vinos no son de uvas. Son vinos hechos con las frutas de este subtrópico húmedo y caliente: mango, passion fuit (parchita), lichi, y guayaba. El lugar está situado a unas veinte millas al suroeste de donde vivo en una zona conocida como "the Redlands." Es un área agrícola, llena de "nurseries" (viveros) de plantas ornamentales. Como estamos en pleno verano, la temperatura estaba en los noventa grados. Aquí les dejo algunas de las fotos que tomé. Otro día les hablo de la calidad del vino.
Hola Ernesto, que lindo lugar! Deben estar muy buenos esos vinos, mándame una botellita, jeje. Bueno, puse en el blog un post sobre mi visita a Granada y estoy preparando otro sobre La Alhambra, espero que te guste si pasas por allí. Un abrazo,
Si, tienes que hablar de la calidad de esos vinos.
Por aca hay bastantes Winery. Bellas fotos. Saludos.
Bellas Fotos.
Como mi gusta vinos!!!:)
Yoana, ya pasé por tu blog. Donde tu estas, hay mejores vinos que estos, te lo aseguro.
Gracias, Don Eufrates.
Sofia, gracias por la informacion sobre los vinos portugueses que pusiste en tu blog. Y gracias por visitarme.
Que bonito lugar! El vino, ademas de placentero, parece ser que tiene efectos tambien medicinales, es decir, que evita algunas enfermedades, etc. Por lo tanto, es una maravillosa y antigua combinación. ¿Y que tal saben? ¿Son buenos esos vinos? Cuentanos...
Raul, some American wines are as good as their European counterparts. Personally, I prefer Spanish wines. Maybe you didn't know this, but the United States is the second largest wine consumer in the world(it is second only to France, although they predict the US will surpass this country in wine consumption by the year 2010.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Veronica, ese dia no probe los vinos porque lleve a mis hijas. Pronto voy a ir de nuevo a un "wine tasting". Una vez alguien me regalo una botella de este vino y no me gusto. Pero le quiero dar una segunda oportunidad (i'm a believer in second chances. Cuando vaya de nuevo, les cuento con mas detalles.
stay cool Ernesto and accept also opinions from other persons.
USA is the second largest wine consumer why is a big country. Only for this!
If you know realy wines, you know also that for make this wine in USA there use clones from France. Merlot and Cabernet plants. But also if America consume a lot of wine, also this say nothing about the quality!
Spanish wine is of course a very good wine.
I prefer French wine. In France making Wine is an old tradition.
Europe is the number one in Wines, and also have the best experts in this.
Compliments for your Blog
PS: Pardon for my bad English
Gracias, Ernesto, y por las fotos, y las tuyas.
Raul, I do accept the opinions of others. That's why I have a blog.
The point I was trying to make is that Americans love wine as much as Europeans do.
ISIS, gracias a ti por visitarme. Tu blog esta mejor que nunca. Una constante invitacion a pensar. Saludos.
Ernesto ok, but now i ask you.
You was one time in your life in Europe? Have you see the Wine -Producers and have you degustated Wine there?
I have see on your pictures that for taste wine, you have to pay.
This is not usualy in Europe.
For European producer is a pleasure
to introduce there wines to the peoples.
I have test different wines of this World.
Best for me are wines from France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Wines from Chile are also not very bad.
American Wines for me to strong in the contain of fruits. Usual for USA. Always try to imitate, and in last exagerate with all.
Usa i repeat. is a big consument of wine, but realy Experts from USA prefer absolutly only wines from Europe. And this is not a coincidence.
Wine is not only a trend, like that was most peoples think, but is much more. A realy wineexpert can tell you what wine is it and from what region it came. Without see with his eyes the wine, but only with his smell and sense of taste.
And he can describe you exactly the origin of the wine and the character of this wine.
Well, i have see a lot of someliers. some of there can tell you if is a good wine or not. But realy experts tell you much more about this.
If you want one day know more about this world, will be pleasure for me to introduce you in all this here in Europe.
Best regards,
PS: i repeat, sorry for my english, but i think you understand me. :)
Raul, I understand your English, so don't worry. Where are you from?
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